Knock Out Dog Fighting A non-profit organization dedicated to end the horrific abuse of dogfighting.
Tonya Perme Photography Professional photographer Tonya Perme specializes in portraits of both people and their dogs, cats, and horses. Tonya created the terrific photos of Martina’s dogs — Patrick, Ray, Jimmy, and Jeffrey — which you see throughout this website.
TAILS Program – A project of Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA Martina is a volunteer trainer with Peninsula Humane Society’s TAILS (Transitioning Animals Into Loving Situations) program, which pairs dogs with behavioral issues with minimum-security county inmates who provide intensive training. Martina teaches inmates how to train the dogs in order to increase the adoption potential of these animals. According to the PHS website: “Transformations are remarkable; the inmates’ work is directly responsible for TAILS dogs being placed into new, permanent homes.” In turn, the dogs help inmates learn skills, patience, and provide a useful and meaningful activity during the inmates’ incarceration period.